Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Dental Tips

Here are some Thanksgiving tips for your smile! The holidays can be rough on your teeth, but if you follow these few simple steps your mouth and pocketbook will thank you. You'll also be able to button your pants a little easier too! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

MouthHealthy Halloween Tips

Trick or Treat
Halloween is coming up as well as the sticky treats and sugar overload, but it only comes once a year! Don't deprive your children of a few treats and memories, just make sure to follow these tips from the ADA for great oral health so you can trick-or-treat the night away! 


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why Teeth Whitening?

Teeth Whitening
Paxton Dental offers a variety of product and procedures available to help you improve the look of yours. The long and short of it is that teeth whitening works. Effectively everyone who chooses for a teeth whitening solution gets enough important improvement in the brightness and whiteness of their smile.

The process of teeth whitening is now generally accepted as an easy way to improve one’s smile. The aim then, of whitening your teeth, is to make them lighter in color, brighter, and more attractive.​ More and more people would like lighter teeth. Not surprising nothing can improve a smile like bright white teeth.

Many people are content with the sparkle they get from brushing twice daily with a fluoride-containing toothpaste, flossing once a day and the regular cleanings from the Dentist. If you decide you would like to take extra measures, Paxton Dental can help you decide the best way to make your smile look brighter.

Your smile creates an immediate, subconscious, visual impact on people you meet. A brighter smile gives the impression of vitality, radiant health, happiness. A bright smile is perceived as a healthy smile. Be sure to consult Paxton Dental to learn which whitening treatment is best for you. Teeth whitening remains one of the most economical ways to enhance your smile.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Why Cleanings and Exams are Important

Regular appointments to your dentist allows him to find early signs of disease. Problems can be treated at a manageable stage. We promote preventative care. Our Dentist is excellent at providing good oral hygiene and instruction. Our office has state of the art digital x-rays that provide clearer images, making it easier to spot cavities and infections, and has very low exposure to radiation.
Few people can get away with fewer visits. Others may need more frequent visits. People with very little risk of cavities or gum disease can do fine seeing their dentist just once a year. 

People with a high risk of dental disease might need to visit every three or four months, or more. In times of stress or illness, you may need to see the dentist more often than usual. The dentist may help you to fight off a temporary infection or treat changes in your mouth. 

​Good oral hygiene is important for your overall health. Gum infections and periodontal disease is related to heart disease, stroke and preterm and/or low birth weight. Regular dental exams and professional cleanings can prevent these and many other health problems while saving you from a much more costly procedure. 

copyright 2015 - Dr. Paxton, DDS - All Rights Reserved


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ease your child's fears of the Dentist

 babble article

  1. Find A Dentist Who Is Good With Kids: A good dentist really goes a long way when it comes to dental fears. Find someone through recommendations who is good with kids.
  2. Explain The Importance Of Oral Health: Have regular conversations about why it's important to brush and floss and visit the dentist. Talk regularly, because then it won't seem so out of the norm to take care of your teeth.
  3. Meet And Greet Time: Before your child goes in for their first appointment, have a meet and greet first. Take your child to the office to see the place, meet the dentist and try out the chair before any procedures are done.
  4. Make Regular Dental Visits: The more regularly they visit (every 6 months), the less afraid they will be because it will become less unknown.
  5. Explain In Terms They Understand: Let your child know what to expect, but in terms they understand. Tell them, or ask the dentist to tell them, what they're doing and what to expect so they won't be so afraid.
  6. Don't Share Your Own Fears: A lot of people are not a fan of the dentist, but be careful never to share that with your kids. If you do, it could very well make them more afraid and stressed.
  7. Inform The Dentist: If your child is feeling anxious or afraid, let the dentist know. They may be able to help ease their fear and treat them with a little more care.
  8. Avoid Scary Words: Kids and scary words don't really get along well. Avoid using words like "hurt" or "freezing" or "shot" with your kids if you think it could make them more anxious.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Paxton Smiles Current Promotions

Make sure you take advantage of our current promotions!

  • ReFer a friend and receive a $10 gift card!
  • New patients receive a teeth whitening kit or electric toothbruth!
  • Get 5% off your next cleaning, exam, and x-rays!

Refer to this Blog Post or show it to the receptionist on your cell phone to redeem. Offer expires July 30, 2015.

Copyright 2015 - Dr. Bart Paxton, DDS - Allrights Reserved


A Child's First Visit to the Dentist

A child's introduction to professional dental care ideally should take place by their first birthday. The earlier you begin, the better chance there is to prevent problems. Most cavities in children start to develop before age three.

A good time to schedule your child's first dental visit is in the morning, when he or she is rested and likely to be cooperative. If they enjoy the first dental visit, future ones will be anticipated rather than feared. Early experiences will influence their attitude toward dental care, and can help start them on the path to a lifetime of good dental health.

What could be more beautiful to you as a parent than your child's smile? An early orthodontic screening assures that your child's smile will be healthy and look its best. Just as your child's first visit to the dentist should be as early as six months, the best time for a first visit to the orthodontist is by age seven.

It may also help minimize the need for more extensive treatment at a later date, such as the removal of permanent teeth. Early treatment may also help your child's self-esteem - a fragile asset that's so important in growing up.

Copyright 2015 - Dr. Bart Paxton, DDS - All Rights Reserved


Benefits of Maintaining Your Teeth

Most people know that maintaining good dental health into old age has many benefits. Those most important include comfort of the teeth and gums, the ability to enjoy food, and a better appearance.
Studies have shown that those individuals who have poor dental health have a higher mortality rate than those who were in better dental health. Moreover we can point to the impact of nutrition as the most likely contribution to health.

The elderly like younger patients should see their dentist at least twice a year for check ups and cleanings. All cavities, gum disease, and other dental infections should be treated promptly. Patients wearing full or partial dentures should have them evaluated for proper comfort and fit. Dentures that have been worn for many years may not fit well anymore. This happens because the jawbone under the denture can become worn away over time.

Loose dentures make it difficult to eat, speak, and do not support the face as well. A loose denture begins to need more and more adhesive to stay in place. Your dentist can sometimes remedy the problem by relining the denture, but a new denture should be made about every 5 to 7 years, or when the dentures cannot be used comfortably. In some cases, implants can be used to help secure the dentures. This is usually needed in the lower jaw and is sometimes the only way to help the patient stabilize and use their denture.

Remember, maintaining good dental health along with proper nutrition is a key factor in living a long healthy life.

Copyright 2015 - Dr. Bart Paxton, DDS, All Rights Reserved

Soft Drinks Not Hard to Swallow - Just Too Sweet

During the past 20 years, American women increased their consumption of soft drinks by 61%, and during the same time, children and adolescents more than double theirs. Along with this, the incidence of diabetes in adults increased by 80%, and even more in children. This is understandable, since long-continued, almost daily consumption of sugar in excess causes obesity and stresses and exhausts the pancreas, the gland that produces insulin. Insufficient insulin production by the pancreas is the most common cause of diabetes. In the USA, soft drinks are now a major dietary source of sugar.

Researchers have discovered that about 71 million Americans (about a quarter of the population) are obese. A large number of these obese people will develop type-2 diabetes, with its associated high risks of atherosclerosis and premature death from heart attack and stroke. If you wish to reduce your risks of becoming obese and diabetic, take it easy with soft drinks.

Sources: Journal of the American Medical Association (292:927, '04) and British Medical Journal (329:530, '04

Copyright 2015 - Bart Paxton - All Rights Reserved


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Drink More Water!

Your Smile Will Thank You.

Not only is it essential for your body, but the acidity in soda, sports drinks, juice and even water flavorings, including lemon and Crystal Light, is detrimental to your oral health. These drinks roughen up the enamel making it easy for bacteria to adhere to the tooth causing decay and cavities. Drinking less acidic drinks and more water also means less trips to the dentist for major treatment, meaning your pocket book will thank you too! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Paxton Dental is giving away an Oral B  Power Toothbrush Kit!

To enter, simply to TWO or more of the following:

2. Share the "giveaway" Facebook Post on the page above.
4. Refer a friend to Paxton Dental. Call 801-969-3752

The winner will be announced April 23!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Refer a friend to Paxton Dental!

We sincerely appreciate your trust in letting us take care of your oral health and hope to take care of your friends and families dental needs as well! 

Refer someone to our office and we will send you a $10 gift card!

New Patients will also receive their choice of a Whitening Kit or an Electric Toothbrush FREE!

Call us today for an appointment: 801.969.3752


Copyright 2015 - Dr. Bartholomew Paxton - All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 5, 2015

What is Periodontal Disease and What Causes It?

periodontal disease
What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal Disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease that results in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth.

If the inflammation is left untreated, the disease will continue and the underlying bone around the teeth will dissolve and will no longer be able to hold the teeth in place. Generally periodontal disease isn’t painful, so it is possible to have it and not be aware of it.

What causes Periodontal Disease?

​As many other oral health diseases, bacteria and plaque buildup is often the culprit. In fact, plaque buildup (which contains many species of bacteria) is the leading cause of gum disease. Other factors that contribute to gum disease include:

  • Genetics
  • Lifestyle choices
  • A diet low in nutrients
  • Smoking/ the use of smokeless tobacco
  • Autoimmune or systemic diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Bruxism (incessant clenching of the teeth)
  • Certain medications

Periodontal Treatment

Paxton Dental, periodontal health is always a high priority. We try to make it as non-invasive and cost-effective as possible. We use non-surgical periodontal treatments, including scaling and root planning (a careful cleaning of the root surfaces to remove plaque and calculus from deep periodontal pockets and to smooth the tooth root to remove bacterial toxins). Ask us if periodontal therapy is right for you.

Call us today at 801-969-3752 for a free evaluation.

Copyright 2015 - Dr. Bartholomew Paxton - All Rights Reserved


Paxton Denistry Provides Extra Special Care of Young Patients

dentist and baby patient
Dr. Paxton provides a variety of dental procedures for adults as well as children.

To us this means your entire family will receive all of the necessary and optional treatments you need in order to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile.

Dr. Paxton loves children and has kids of his own. He has the reputation for being a very friendly dentist who relates well with children of all ages.

He and his staff work very hard to help families maintain healthy gums and teeth, so your family can expect excellent oral health and hygiene.

Call us today at 801.969.3752 for a free evaluation.

Copyright 2015 - Dr. Bartholomew Paxton, DDS - All Rights Reserved.
